Website Faith Community congregation of Butler Church
Butler Church is seeking a pastor for Faith Community. The Faith Community Congregation is one of two English-language congregations of the four multi-cultural congregations, including Hispanic and Lao, that comprise Butler Church. The position responsibilities can be adjusted for full time or three quarter time.
Pastoral Responsibilities
- Report to, meet with, help lead, and be guided, evaluated, and supported by the Faith Community Board of Elders, as a fully engaged participant.
- Serve as minister of the Word of God by preaching and teaching, and by arranging for replacement preaching and teaching in his absence.
- Articulate and promote the vision and mission of Faith Community and lead the congregation’s development, growth, and outreach, and discipleship as described by the Faith Community Priorities.
- Participate in planning and leading worship, including development and approval of the order of worship and arranging for its printing and presentation on the video screen and livestream.
- Officiate at baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
- Provide ongoing pastoral care, including visiting the sick and shut-ins, connecting with the visitors who are potential attenders, and equipping and encouraging Faith Community congregants to share in this ministry.
- Work together with the lead pastor and other Butler Church staff and pastors in multi-congregational planning and activities, including worship, fellowship, community service programs, outreach, information sharing, and budget planning and administration.
- Serve as a continuing ex-officio Faith Community representative on the Butler Church Council, and on other church bodies and initiatives as mutually agreed by the Council and the Faith Community Elders.
- Work with the Butler Church administrative office staff to coordinate the Faith Community events calendar with the Butler Church events and facilities calendar.
Pastoral Qualifications
- Committed to the authority of the Bible and to the beliefs and practices as stated in the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith.
- Effective biblical preacher, teacher, spiritual counselor, and pastoral care provider.
- Committed to the vision, values, purposes, growth, and health of Faith Community.
- Effective in cross-cultural collaboration with other Butler congregations.
- Effective in equipping and mobilizing people for missional service and discipleship.
- Must be or become within six months of hiring licensed or ordained for the pastorate by the USMB Pacific District Conference.
- Effective in adapting established values and for growth and expanding ministry.
Inquiries and expressions of interest should be addressed by email to the Chair of the Search Team:
Richard Kriegbaum, Ph.D.
President Emeritus, Fresno Pacific University
Email — rkriegbaum@comcast.net
To apply for this job email your details to rkriegbaum@comcast.net