Does your church have a unique way to celebrate Easter?

This is a different E-idea email because we are not sharing an idea with you–we are asking for YOUR idea to share with others.
We want to hear from you!
Easter is the most important day of the year for us as Christians. The resurrection of Jesus offers hope of everlasting life to everyone. Many churches hold outreach events during Easter to help encourage people to come to Jesus for love, grace and forgiveness. Churches also find creative, reverent and joyous ways as a church family to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord.
How does your church celebrate Easter? We want to hear from USMB pastors and church leaders about your church’s outreach activities and the ways you bring this important season alive for your congregation. Good ideas are worth sharing—and are sometimes contagious! You know the old saying, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
Consider using one of the prompt questions below as a starting point to sharing your Easter story.
  • What Lent resources have you used with your congregation?
  • How has your church celebrated: Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday or Resurrection Sunday?
  • Tell us about your Easter sunrise service.
  • How do you incorporate children into your Lent/Easter activities?
  • What evangelism activities do you hold during the Easter season?
  • What are some ways you’ve invited neighbors and friends to Easter services?
  • Tell us about something your church does during the Easter season that is unique in your community.
Share your story on our USMB Facebook page or send an email to Your story may be published as part of a USMB resource on our website. Please submit your response by February 28.
If we use your idea USMB will send you a $10 Starbucks or Amazon card!


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