Don Morris: Update (June 2018)
Update from Randy Friesen and Don Morris
Our USMB family and our global MB family have been envisioning how we can better serve together on One Mission: local, national and global. As USMB, we have invited MB Mission as our global mission agency to come alongside us in new ways to serve our collective focus on discipleship, leadership development and church planting. As we have worked on that together, MB Mission has also been on a journey to bring church planting supports like the C2C Network to the US to increase our capacity to call out, discern and support church planters. In bringing the services of mission local together with mission global not only in North America but also in other regions of the world, a merger was proposed between MB Mission and C2C. Here is the update on that journey as we move toward One Mission as a global MB family.
In March, the MB Mission board affirmed a strategic plan to merge our two organizations – MB Mission and C2C Network – into one new entity. The strategic planning discernment process included representatives from the US and Canadian MB conferences, ICOMB and our global MB Mission leaders. The new strategic plan calls for multiplying healthy disciples, churches and harvest partnerships. The new overarching name that the Board approved for this local, national and global mission network is Multiply.
The Board of Multiply will continue to be the current MB Mission bi-national Board. While Multiply is MB based, we will also continue to network with and serve the broader Church in church planting resources. The MB Confession of Faith continues to be our theological foundation. Other denominational partners who join the Multiply network understand we are Gospel centered, Spirit led and mission focused. Donations supporting global mission sent to Multiply will be honored where our focus continues to be planting MB churches that connect to our global ICOMB family.
Within the US, this new mission entity called Multiply will bring together the current staff of MB Mission and C2C into a unified church-planting resource team working alongside our districts and national staff in a One Mission strategy that supports church planting and disciple making locally, nationally and globally. Globally, the new name Multiply assists our access to contexts that are restricted and lowers barriers to serving other parts of the Body of Christ in the harvest. The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) will continue to be our global MB identity carrier even as we serve closely alongside them in mission mobilization, equipping and harvest partnerships.
Three years ago, the leadership of USMB asked us and many other US partners, “What can you give to strengthen the Gospel impact of the USMB family?” That question has led us to significant shifts, a laying down of titles and new levels of partnership and collaboration with USMB. We look forward to multiplying disciples, churches and harvest partnership for the glory of God in the season ahead.
For future updates and more information about this new direction, go to
Your fellow multipliers,
Randy Friesen Don Morris
General Director National Director
MB Mission and C2C Network U.S. Conference of MB Churches (USMB)
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Randy and Don,
It is rewarding to read of the efforts being made by Multiply leadership to improve the mission of Multiply. I am praying for you all.
In thinking about this type of endeavor, I am aware of the successful work of Kingdom Movements happening around the world. Is it possible we also could benefit from learning their mission and strategies? Mission Frontiers magazine is a primary resource writing extensively of these Kingdom Movements.
Just a thought I wanted to pass on to you,
Dwight Friesen