Feb. 23, 2023
What is THE FIELD newsletter?
This e-newsletter is designed to inform and energize all of us for the work of the harvest. Jesus told us to pray for the harvest fields and for all those working in the fields. I hope you will join me in this exciting adventure.
Brian Harris
Church Planting Mobilizer
Oops…It’s SouthLife, not South Lake!
Yeah, I messed up. Our church plant in South Wichita is SouthLife. Last month I called it South Lake- why? I don’t know. But this gives me a chance to practice humility and brag on Kevin Friedberg and Andy Owen as they get ready to launch this spring. In fact, RIGHT NOW…[pause here] and pray for SouthLife… I’ll wait… Pray for the core team. Pray for the first guests. Pray for the salvation of the neighborhood. (Thanks!)
Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going
The USMB family has five districts. The Pacific, Central, Southern, Latin American, and Eastern Districts. I am making my way around the Conference visiting them. What if we pray for a district each day of the week? I’ve been in the Southern District in Oklahoma and Kansas: Meno, Lawton, and Newton. Next month I am visiting the Central District in Nebraska. Pray that we can get our third network launched. I will be at the world’s largest church planting movement conference, Exponential, early in March. Pray for the people going along that they will gain great encouragement.
The Harvard Business Review Agrees With the Bible: Together We Are Stronger!
My Multiplication, Discipleship & Evangelism Book Suggestions
Gaining By Losing, by J.D. Greear
Why the future belongs to churches that send. This is the book our missional networks are reading and studying. The essence of this book is, “How can we be a sending church?” Greear compares a church to an Aircraft Carrier that sends people on a mission.
Stronger Together, by Dave Harvey
Harvey shares 7 virtues and vices of working (or not working) together. One great quote is “Just as people wither and perish in isolation, so does the local church.”
- Conviction against Consumerism
- Gifted Leadership against Isolationism
- Collaboration against Radical Individualism
- The Dynamics of Renewal against Institutionalism
- A Kingdom Mindset against Tribaliam
- Humility against Egotism
- Modesty against Triumphalism
Movements only happen when churches work together. In fact the definition of a movement would REQUIRE us to be in partnership. This book nails the need for partnership and gives us these seven elements to embrace.
Best book for a seeker…
Need help in sharing Jesus? Give a book! One of the best books to give a seeker is Andy Stanley’s “How Good is Good Enough?” I buy it in a bulk 3 pack for under $6. Here’s a link.
B.L.E.S.S. A Powerful Book on Evangelism
If you need a good resource for guiding you and your church into loving people to Jesus, this is it. Love the simplicity and practicality of the 5 ways:
Begin with prayer
- Listen
- Eat
- Serve
- Story
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2
I need to raise support to continue the work of church planting.
You can give by clicking here!
8703 N 127th E Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 580-772-4292 brian@usmb2stg.wpengine.com
- CATEGORY The Field