Host an Online Q&A Session
Beyond making Sunday or midweek services available to our congregations online, we should be looking for new ways to minister to and connect with our people.
One way to do this is by hosting an online Q&A session with your church’s pastor(s).
Create a special time for an informal Q&A via Zoom with your pastor(s). Take questions either audibly or through the “Chat” feature on Zoom. Make sure to have a few questions prepared in advance to reduce awkward pauses, and have a person dedicated to relaying questions coming in through the “Chat” section.
Depending on what your pastor(s) are comfortable with, questions can range from spiritual to theological to questions that help get to know your pastor and family better (but not too prying!).
This can be a fun way for your congregation to connect with your pastoral staff during times when social distancing may prevent closer interaction—even if your church is meeting on site.
This USMB E-idea of the month is shared by USMB staff.
- CATEGORY E-ideas