Letter to Government Leaders Regarding Mass Shootings

Dear government leader:

As national director of the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage all of our local, state and national leaders to refrain from the current blaming and shaming that is associated with the recent mass shootings and come together for a bipartisan dialogue for how we, as a nation, can effectively deal with this national scourge. Currently, political parties, in too many instances, are using this cultural problem as political weaponry against one another. We desperately need you to work together instead of pointing fingers at one another!

As a conference of churches that pursues peace-making in all aspects of life, we are collectively grieved by a culture that far too often turns to violence. We understand that there are many “reasons or causal agents” for this cultural phenomenon. We find that people have various opinions as to the main causes for these frequent mass shootings. Whatever those causes are, we strongly urge you to invest in deciphering those causes and developing reasonable plans to help mitigate their results.

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” As people of God, we believe that the way to peace is through the teachings and principles that Jesus provided. We urge you to begin with His words of wisdom. Our nation needs godly principles, as the way of Jesus is the only true remediation for this social scourge.

We also understand that this is a deeply embedded problem and that solutions will take time. We pray for you as you come together, as servants of our nation, to help our country move forward in unity and with peace.


Don Morris, USMB national director

P.S.  I will be sending this letter to the White House and to legislators in Oklahoma. I encourage you to copy, edit and send to your local and national government leaders as you feel led. To God be the glory!



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