Mar. 15, 2023

We have so many good, thriving churches, and so many faithful leaders! And even if your church is simply staying even and being faithful in serving Jesus, it’s worth celebrating. God is at work! Sometimes the weight of ministry and life can weigh us down, but God is good, and He is good all the time! “But you, O God my Lord, deal on my behalf for your name’s sake; because your steadfast love is good, deliver me!” Psalm 109:21

Prayer requests/news:

  1. Thanks to so many of you who continue to pray for my wife, Janna, and her health issues. On Monday, March 20, she is to have the final knee replacement surgery. We’ve been waiting on this for some time now and are thankful that she is well enough to have it done!
  2. I just returned from Orlando, Florida, and the Exponential ‘23 conference. The Southern District had over 30 people in attendance, among the 5,000 overall. The conference worship times were powerful and meaningful. I’ve been to several Exponential conferences, and I felt the Holy Spirit moving in a way that is fresh and new. Something is happening in America; I pray we (MBs) can be a part of what God is doing.
  3. Brian Harris, Church Planting Mobilizer, also attended Exponential and was able to share a vision for our national church planting with several of our MB family (SDC attendees) at a dinner on Tuesday evening. It was a great time for sharing together what is happening as God works among us!
  4. The National Pastors Orientation (NPO) planning committee is finalizing plans for the next NPO that is scheduled for April 17-19 in San Diego. If your church has a new or fairly new pastor (lead, associate, worship, children’s, etc), make sure they attend the NPO, and with their spouse if married. It’s a great time for them to learn more about our USMB family and get connected. It’s not too late for them to register. We need you there if you’re a newbie!
  5. I’ve been writing about some challenging subjects in my Christian Leader national director column over the past few issues. I feel that we need to address these topics. These articles are just from me. If you disagree, that’s okay; I hope for dialogue with people that will be constructive. To be quiet about the things that are important for today isn’t good for us. Let’s talk about these things, study Scripture together and seek God’s wisdom. It’s quite interesting, I’ve had strong praise and strong disagreement about the exact same things that I’ve written about.
  6. I hope to find time to dig deep into Scripture over the coming month, especially some Old Testament books that I have neglected recently. God speaks throughout the entirety of His message to us.
  7. The CORD program continues to gain momentum. This is a platform where existing MB churches can partner with a Congolese church (MB). And look at this: MB Foundation will match, dollar for dollar, up to $27,500, funds needed to support one Congolese congregation in the CORD Program. The first church to receive funding has been selected! Read about it at
  8. Many of you have probably read the press release about my upcoming retirement, and several have sent nice messages. Thank you for all of those. Those that hold not so nice thoughts have been graciously quiet. (Hah!) But I do want to be clear that I’m still working for another 17 months. I’m not done yet, and there is a lot of work to do! My final day is projected to be August 15, 2024.
  9. Please pray for our expanding USMB staff. God has sent us amazing workers, and the staff continues to slowly grow. These people are dedicated to serving Jesus through serving our USMB family. They work hard and are so very gifted. I thank God for each one: Donna, Connie, Janae, Brian, Henri, J.L., Lori.
  10. Several Zoom meetings and on-site meetings are on my calendar in the next couple of weeks – prayers appreciated.
  11. Overall: Please pray for me that the Lord might grant discernment, direction, stamina, wisdom, compassion, understanding, gentleness and grace. Thanks for your prayers!

Don Morris
USMB National Director

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