Update from the Multiply Review Task Force

October 5, 2020

For over 100 years, the Mennonite Brethren Church in North America has been obedient to the call of reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus. We are a part of a rich history of dedicated women and men who, forsaking everything else, have spread the gospel of peace across the globe. Multiply serves as the mission arm of the U.S. and Canadian MB Churches and has been the primary mechanism for our global mission endeavors.

In the last two years, Multiply has experienced turbulent waters. The merger and the consequent demerger with C2C Network have become a painful and confusing chapter in this historic ministry’s life. Subsequently, a task force review team was formed at the request of the Multiply board, and appointed by the Executive Boards of both U.S. MB Conference (USMB) and Canadian Conference of MB Churches (CCMBC). This task force, composed of four members from Canada and four members from the U.S., engaged the service of Dr. John Radford (Transpectives Consulting Inc.). Dr. Radford’s role was to conduct an in-depth analysis of Multiply’s culture, board functionality, and senior leadership. Informed by Dr. Radford’s report, the Multiply Review Task Force made 17 relevant recommendations. These recommendations include, but are not limited to:

• changes in governance (to allow for greater input from the constituency)
• changes in board composition
• changes in qualification for board chair (determined skill sets)
• changes to senior leadership style
• and significant recommendations as it relates to culture

The Executive Boards of both USMB and CCMBC have received and affirmed these recommendations and have instructed the Multiply Board to work toward implementation. At its last meeting, the Multiply Board has confirmed its affirmation of the recommendations presented to them. The U.S. and Canadian conferences are grateful for the passionate work that the current Multiply Board members have undertaken during difficult times.

As the first step towards fully implementing the Multiply Review Task Force’s recommendations, the U.S. and Canadian boards will be appointing new Multiply board members to replace outgoing board members who have finished their term or have resigned effective immediately. This new board will work with present senior leadership to facilitate further changes recommended by the task force.

Multiply’s President, Randy Friesen, has shared the following response:

“We have welcomed the outside review and believe the Lord is using it to make us healthier and more effective as a mission. I am thankful for the dedication and care shown by each member of the outgoing Multiply board. We are committed to working with our new board in implementing the recommendations and partnering with our conferences for God’s glory.”

Both the U.S. and Canadian MB Conferences are committed to the continuation of global mission for the purpose of reaching people with the gospel and seeing more people come to know Jesus. The ultimate goal is to see Multiply increase its capacity for this mission, both locally and abroad. We ask that you remain in prayer, bringing all things before God so that His perfect will be accomplished in all of us.

In humility,

Elton DaSilva (CCMBC National Director)
Don Morris (USMB National Director)

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