The calling and affirming of the next District Minister is an opportunity for District leadership and our family of PDC churches to enter a season of concerted prayer as this discernment process begins. The search committee has been identified by the PDC Executive Board and they have begun their work. We want to keep in step with the leading of God’s Spirit in this important time of identifying, calling and affirming the next District Minister. Please join with us in prayerful support.
The District Minister is to be a gifted, humble and Godly leader among us, collaborating with other leaders to advance the mission and ministry of the PDC. This person is to be known for:
- Holding firmly to the Scriptures as our final authority for faith and life (I Tim 3:9; Titus 1:9)
- Being above reproach (I Tim 3:2, 9; Titus 1:6)
- Proven leadership and not a new convert ((I Tim 3:6)
- An upright and holy life (Titus 1:8)
- Ability to teach (I Tim 3:2, 5:17; Titus 1:9)
- Being sincere, respectable, gentle, reputable, not overbearing, hospitable, not quarrelsome, not greedy, disciplined, temperate, self-controlled, not quick tempered, having quality family relationships and a supportive wife (I Tim 3; Titus 1).
The District Minister will affirm the USMB Confession of Faith, be licensed and ultimately ordained by the PDC, and be supportive of the District, National and Global policies of the Mennonite Brethren. At a minimum, the candidate will have an earned Seminary Master’s degree from an accredited institution. The District Minister will also be supportive of Fresno Pacific University and Seminary.
We understand that the District Minister is given a significant and challenging assignment. District leaders have recognized the need to surround the District Minister with additional staff, in order to complement and support the ministry of the PDC. Our priority is identifying the District Minister, and subsequently the calling of additional staff.
The Ministry (job description) of the Pacific District Conference Minister
- Cast vision for church planting, church health and leadership development
- Lead the development and implementation of the strategic plan
- Encourage financial support from churches and individuals
- The District Minister is “the face of the PDC” which requires significant travel
- Visit churches, pastors, and leadership boards regularly
- Preach in PDC churches
- Represent PDC at special occasions
- Interview new churches for PDC membership
Pastor to the Pastors
- Visits, coffees, lunches, calls, texts, and emails to keep in touch with PDC Pastors
- Plan and lead the annual pastors and spouses retreat (speaker, program details, fundraising)
- Prayer communication and leadership updates
- Counsel, encouragement and mediation when difficulties arise
- Lead discipline/counsel/restoration process when moral failure occurs
- Challenge and encourage pastors in leadership and skill development
Executive Board
- Work together with Board chair in planning agenda, tasks, and follow-up items from meetings
- Meet with Executive Committee between meetings
- Assist in budget preparation/planning
- Assist in identifying and recruiting new Board members
- Plan and assist in leading the biennial PDC convention
PDC Board of Faith and Life
- Lead the licensing/ordination process, interviews, and follow-up for all PDC credentialing
- Work together with Board chair in planning agenda, tasks, and follow-up items from meetings
- Collaborate with BFL when concerns arise in congregations, constituency and partner agencies and institutions
- Serve churches/search committees during pastoral vacancies/transitions
- Serve at installation/ordination services
PDC Board of Home Missions
- Serve as the primary liaison between PDC church planters and BHM
- Work together with Board chair in planning agenda, tasks, and follow-up items from meetings
- Serve on all task forces
- Collaborate with Multiply leadership
- Communicate with churches and pastors re: church planting updates
- Help church planters navigate ministry life (coaching, prayer partner, correction and encouragement)
- Budget oversight and preparation
Board of Next Gen Leadership
- Work together with Board chair in planning agenda, tasks, and follow-up items from meetings
- Oversee intern process, orientation, follow-up
- Develop relationships with younger leaders
Hispanic Council
- Work together with Hispanic Pastors/Leaders in advancing the mission and ministry of PDC Hispanic congregations
- Build positive partnerships between Hispanic and other PDC churches, leaders and Boards
- Attend meetings, events and conventions
Board of Trustees
- Attend meetings and represent spiritual and practical interests of other Boards/churches
- Participate with Trustee members in addressing challenging Trustee related issues
- Collaborate with the PDC accountant/property manager, serving together as colleagues
- Supervise the PDC Administrative Assistant
Fresno Pacific University and Seminary
- Serve as a member of the Board of Trustees (and other assignments to offer full support of the University)
- Meet with Board Chair, President, Dean of the Seminary and other Board and staff members as appropriate
- Represent interests and concerns of PDC constituency to FPU
- Participate in commencement, special occasions, etc.
- Serve on USMB Board of Faith and Life, National Strategy Team and Leadership Board
- Meet regularly with National Director and other District Ministers
- Communicate and collaborate with MB Foundation, Multiply, MCC, etc.
- Participate in national convention, pastor’s orientation, study conferences and other events
Other Language Groups
- Seek ways to include various ethnic/language groups in the mission and ministry of the PDC
- Build relationships with pastors/leaders
If interested in being considered for this leadership position, please submit a resume with cover letter to PDC Search Committee at