1:15 - 2:15


Evangelism in Rural Churches and Communities – Ron Klassen, Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA)
Webs of relationships can create awkwardness when it comes to evangelism in a context of social intimacy. We'll tackle the challenges and share some evangelism ideas and strategies that you might take home to your community.


How Society Has Redefined Words to Confuse the Gospel Message (and what we can do about it) – Hillary Ferrer – Mama Bear Apologetics
Our world is all about justice and equality, which sound really good. But often they are using these Christian words to sneak in unbiblical ideas. Those who control the definitions control the conversation. With just a few redefinitions, concepts like love, Jesus and the gospel can mean whatever a person wants them to mean. Come to this session to learn about linguistic theft, how it works, how to spot when a buzzword is being used and which buzzwords to be on the lookout for.


Church revitalization: Why and how? – Rick Eshbaugh
Exploring the need for church revitalization and providing resources for how to move toward a healthy, Christ-honoring community intent on reaching their unique ministry context.


Increasing Impact: through healthy pastor finances – Jon Wiebe, MB Foundation
Talking about money can be difficult for anyone. It is even more difficult if your own financial household isn’t healthy. This workshop will help pastors restore or strengthen their personal financial health.


Doing global partnerships well - Bob Davis and Stephen Humber, Multiply
Helping churches engage in healthy and mutual ways.


Nothing Lounge - Phil Wiebe and Tim Thiessen, Lead Pastors
You may have heard about the cohort titled, A Cohort About Nothing. With the opportunity to meet in person, these pastors are inviting people looking for conversation and connection to join them. There is no agenda, just people searching for friends, support and connection.

2:30 - 3:30


Evangelism in Rural Churches and Communities – Ron Klassen, Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA)
Webs of relationships can create awkwardness when it comes to evangelism in a context of social intimacy. We'll tackle the challenges and share some evangelism ideas and strategies that you might take home to your community.


Interactive Apologetics Q&A – Hillary Ferrer
There are so many hot-button issues facing our kids that it’s hard to know where to start. Come to this interactive session with whatever questions are plaguing you or those in your congregation. We may not be able to answer every question, but the real power is in knowing what questions to ask, where to start looking for answers, and what resources are out there. If we are slow on questions, we will start with the biggest issues right now: sexuality, the social gospel and secularism.


Urban evangelism – Jeff Bell
Strategies, ideas and principles for doing evangelism well in an urban context.


Ethnic evangelism – Henri Ngolo and Doug Hiebert
How ethnic and immigrant people reach out to those around them.


Give them Jesus: Evangelizing the next generation – JL Martin
What is the best way to share Jesus with kids? Exciting events, summer camps, church midweek programs, etc.? Learn how to share Jesus effectively from an early age as parents, grandparents and adults in our homes.

J.L. Martin


Increasing Impact: Developing new leaders/Leadership Pipeline – Kyle Goings and Russ Claassen
Learn about this new ministry resource which will be a central location for enhancing internships, apprenticeships and leadership development.

Childcare will be available for both the Pastors' Conference and the Convention sessions and workshops. 


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