Leadership Education And Development (LEAD) initiatives offer several opportunities for providing a firm foundation for MB pastors and leaders in leadership, discipleship and networking. LEAD initiatives are key for developing ministry, connecting with others and growing closer to God. Delivered through a comprehensive mix of active learning methods, these resources enhance overall church and pastoral health.

If your church is healthy and strong, there is still a lot that USMB offers your church, staff and volunteers. If your church needs a shot in the arm, we can provide that too. If your church is struggling, there are resources in place to help you. As well, our district leaders are working hard to assist churches in their respective districts—we're working together to build healthy churches.

We firmly believe the local church can and should have an effective ministry for reaching the lost and transforming lives in our communities. USMB strives to assist our churches in enhancing that capacity and in gaining future ministry health and vision.

Our LEAD program includes:

CHAT — Church Health Surveys along with a consultation by a trained consultant. Need a picture of your church's current health? This is a good first step.

LEAD Coaching — A network of certified coaches paired to pastors/leaders for an agreed upon term. This is life-on-life coaching for personal growth and life enhancement. It's been said, "Every pastor would benefit from having a trained life-on-life coach." Read more.

LEAD Cohorts – Online meeting place for small groups of MB Pastors and/or leaders, or anyone interested in learning more about a specific topic over 3-4 months. LEAD Cohorts are free to all participants with the exception of curriculum expenses, if recommended. Read more.

Certified Church Consultant

LEAD Consults — These are more extensive consultations for developing long-term ministry vision and direction. Board retreats, ministry team workshops, evaluations, advice. Don Morris is now a certified church consultant. For church consultation information, contact Aaron at aaron@usmb.org for details.

LEAD One – Regional one-day leadership training events providing key leadership ideas for pastors, elders and ministry leaders—tools for the leader's "tool chest." As church teams learn together, many new ideas can be readily incorporated into the life of the church. Read more.

LEAD Pods – The official USMB podcast devoted to leadership development and spiritual growth for Mennonite Brethren churches. This is MBs sharing ideas with other MBs, and hopefully beyond. ‘It’s the best of us to the rest of us.’ See all podcasts.

For more information contact Aaron Box or Janae Shafer.


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