
How are we doing at fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission to “go…make disciples?” This is a question we must ask consistently. Disciples don’t just happen, and USMB wants to help our churches to have a greater impact in the culture by becoming communities of believers that develop disciples through intentional planning. To do this, we need to have great disciple-making plans. This includes:

  • developing specific goals of bringing new believers to spiritual maturity and intentionally growing as followers of Jesus,
  • developing a culture of disciple-making that cultivates the right environment and a natural process,
  • celebrating the wins and
  • connecting those congregations that have already developed solid disciple-making systems with other churches that are seeking better ways of helping their members grow deeper in Christ. We can be better together.

There is great cost for all who settle for casual association with Jesus and miss out on the abundance, satisfaction and joy that He has designed for us. There's a cost that comes from monotonous, routine Christianity.

The cost of this kind of nominal Christianity will be great for Mennonite Brethern and especially costly for lost people in our communities and cities. If we are not intent on making disciples of all nations, there are people groups around the world who will go without the Gospel. We must be about intentional disciple-making.

USMB is here to help churches that want to purposefully make strong disciples!

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