USMB Board of Faith and Life

We want to develop leaders, plant churches and grow spiritually healthy U.S. Mennonite Brethren congregations grounded in the Bible and equipped to make disciples. The USMB Board of Faith and Life (BFL) helps us do this by offering spiritual guidance in matters of faith, ethics, doctrine, theology and Christian living.

The Responsibilities of the Board of Faith and Life are to:
  • Provide spiritual oversight and serve as the guardian of the Confession of Faith. Any changes or modifications to the Confession of Faith must be processed through the Board of Faith and Life for presentation to the churches.
  • Watch over the spiritual life of the U.S. Conference of MB Churches and its congregations. BFL will give guidance and direction in matters of faith, doctrine and ethics. When necessary, BFL will initiate appropriate action or serve as a reference body in issues of spiritual and social concern.
  • Function as an advisory board to district conferences in matters of ethics, doctrine and polity.
  • Initiate appropriate disciplinary action when conditions contrary to the teaching of the Bible and USMB principles exist in our churches and conferences.
  • Convene study conferences for consultation and discernment on issues of faith, discipleship or polity.
  • Share information in print and other media to facilitate wider participation in study and consensus building.

National Pastors' Orientation (NPO)

These orientations are held every two years and are sponsored by the Board of Faith and Life. The invitation to attend is extended to any MB pastors new to the pastorate or new to our conference. Spouses are especially welcome. These orientations provide an excellent opportunity to get connected, learn about the MB family and the many resources available, as well as meet leaders and other pastors in our national and district families. This is a fun and informative event and an opportunity to get away and be renewed and refreshed.

The next NPO will be in Spring, 2025 in San Diego, California. Visit the NPO webpage for more information.


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