Empowering each local MB church to reach its full God-given ministry potential, within the framework of our Evangelical and Anabaptist distinctives.


  • Click here for Leadership Fuel resources.


    19 March 2024 by usmb2
    Leadership Fuel
    USMB’s Leadership Fuel is a dynamic site containing curated resources for leaders like you who are passionate about developing new leaders for future ministry.

    On the Leadership Fuel site, you can discover and share recommended books, articles, videos and podcasts pertaining to leadership development....

    30 May 2024 by Lori Taylor (USMB), in
    May 30, 2024
    Last time I wrote, I mentioned the ankle surgery I had just had and that I was o...
  • Click here to learn more about our CORD ministry.


    28 April 2023 by Lori Taylor (USMB), in USMB Now
    Integrated Immigrant Ministries is now CORD...connecting, organizing, retooling ...
The MB Story

Have a happy drop-off!

10 September 2024 By Crystal Nachtigall in C-Link, Voices

Peace Sunday resources available

10 September 2024 By MWC Communications in C-Link, Global

Listen to the latest episode...

Building Relationships & Sharing Jesus
with Muslims--And Everyone Else

LEAD Pods is a USMB podcast devoted to leadership development and spiritual growth. It's "the best of us to the rest of us." Hosted by Matt Ehresman.

EP. 112 - September 19, 2024

Many Christians in America today feel ill-equipped to share their faith with Muslims. Our media and our culture tend to paint Muslims in a certain way that often makes us feel intimidated and maybe even scared, but those biases are almost always unfounded and unfair. As we hear from today's guest, sharing about Jesus really comes down to humility, curiosity, and sincerity, regardless of our cultural backgrounds.

Today we speak with Nasser al’Qahtani, Multiply's Regional Team Leader for North Africa and the Middle East. Nasser is a former Muslim himself, and he has amazing stories of how God has done wonders in his life and opened incredible doors for him to teach around the world. Nasser is a gifted storyteller and an engaging biblical scholar, so enjoy this episode as we hear how God is at work in the Middle East and how we can appropriately share our faith with others.

Nasser's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@NasseralQahtani
Nasser's Multiply profile:

Listen here




CORD. USMB is committed to partnering with immigrant congregations. In a world where more than 270 million people are on the move, migration provides an opportunity for our USMB family to consider the mission of the Church. Increasingly, the mission is on U.S. soil. The CORD acronym describes USMB’s partnership with immigrant churches:

  • Connecting immigrant churches to resources and other congregations within our MB family.
  • Organizing and assisting with establishing a stable place of worship.
  • Retooling through biblical training and educational resources centered around our USMB Confession of Faith.
  • Developing pastors and key leaders capable of shepherding a healthy church.

Click here for more information or contact Terry Hunt, CORD Committee chair.


Leadership Pipeline

Leadership Pipeline identifies, invests in and empowers leaders for vocational ministry by providing members with paid ministry internships, free leadership training and connection with local internship possibilities.

Churches and other faith-based organization are also invited to join the Leadership Pipeline. Members will be connected with potential intern candidates and help to prepare for a successful internship experience.   Visit www.leaderpipeline.net to learn more.


LEAD Cohorts

LEAD Cohorts  are FREE online meeting places for small groups of MB pastors and leaders – or anyone interested in learning more about a specific topic or gathering with like-minded people.

The next session of LEAD Cohorts will begin this Fall. Watch your email inbox for registration and information in early June. Here is a list of the cohorts that will be offered, and more will be added soon. Online registration will be available. If you have additional questions, please email Janae Shafer.


LEAD Coaching Program

LEAD Coaching is an intentional, ongoing life-on-life relationship that empowers the person being coached to realize their full potential, purpose, confidence, courage, joy and vocational accomplishment.

Trained coaches are skilled at listening, asking powerful questions, defining goals, helping you develop relevant action plans and providing the accountability and support for you to succeed.

Watch this short video, or click here for more information or to download the brochure.


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