Let holy preparation link hands with patient expectation, and we will have far larger answers to our prayers.
Charles Spurgeon / The Imprecatory Psalms from The Treasury of David: Fully Updated for Today's Reader by Roger McReynolds

I recently announced a 24-hour period of fasting and prayer beginning the evening of July 7 through the evening of July 8.

Now, I invite you to join me on Zoom on Friday, July 7 at 11 a.m. CDT to discuss our focus leading to this time of prayer and fasting. We will spend time praying together as we prepare our hearts and minds for the spiritual discipline of fasting.

Several people have commented to me recently that a season of intense prayer precedes great movements of God. If that’s true, why don’t we pray like that, expectant of what God might do?

USMB family, would you join me in fasting and praying for 24 hours beginning the evening of July 7 through the evening of July 8? As we bring our requests before God, may we spend time in His presence, listen to His voice and worship.

If you can't fast from food, consider giving up something else you do on a daily basis and spend that time in prayer.

Pray specifically for:

  • A movement of God among us
  • God to use us for His work
  • Renewed passion for evangelism and outreach

Will you join me?

Don Morris
USMB National Director


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