Our Model

The CORD model will provide:

  1. Biblical Training and Educational resources focused around our Confession of Faith. We require our pastors to have a solid understanding of the Bible and agreement with our denominational Confession of Faith. To that end, we will financially assist the leader/pastor with a qualified Bible training program (diploma or certificate), resources and training on our Confession of Faith, administrative principals, and Biblically based stewardship. We will walk the individual through the enrollment and financial application process and provide $500 a year towards their expenses.
  2. Assistance with establishing a stable place of worship. We understand the need for a safe, affordable, and consistent community meeting place for a growing congregation. We will provide council to the church and offer $1,000 monthly assistance in establishing terms for lease agreements.
  3. Development of pastors/key leaders capable of shepherding a healthy church. We will provide a $500 per month stipend to give the pastor space financially in order to give time towards training and congregational development. Each pastor will also be assigned a coach from their district.
  4. Connecting each church to available resources and other like-minded congregations and organizations. We will facilitate sister church connections within the USMB. It is our desire that there will be a mutual exchange of friendship, ideas, and support. This could be sending delegates to each other’s services, prayer, and special needs. Additionally, we will partner with Multiply and immigrant churches to develop healthy relationships with their home country churches.

To qualify for CORD, a church must have joined a USMB district and credentialed its pastor. We are committed to only supporting what has been fully funded at the projected cost of $55,500 per church.


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