Postcard Encouragement

Several years ago we started the habit of praying for our church family by using postcards with the words, “We prayed for you and your family today” written on them along with the names of our staff. We have all of the addresses of our church family on peel-off labels and send out an average of 5-6 cards per week. Each of our staff members takes one card and prays as specifically as we know how.

There have been many Sundays when a recipient of one of those cards has expressed appreciation for receiving it and more than often, it’s those who we weren’t sure of their needs, but the Lord knew!

This simple prayer ministry has helped keep our staff in touch with the needs of our congregation and has been a very tangible expression of love from our staff to them.

*About the author: Patrick Coyle is the senior pastor of Shafter MB Church in Shafter, Calif. 

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