Dear MB family,
As we watch news accounts and read stories about what is transpiring in Ukraine, we deeply grieve with our brothers and sisters who are in the midst of this unprovoked war. We also have many Slavic people and churches here in the U.S. and they too are in deep turmoil and pain as they watch what is happening in their homeland and to people they know and love.
There are ways to give directly to Mennonite Brethren in Ukraine and here in the U.S. They need our help! Please give. Please pray.
Don Morris
USMB National Director
Updates & Ways to Give
MB Foundation
MB Foundation has established the Ukraine MB Church Relief Fund to provide emergency relief and refugee assistance to the Association of MB Churches in Ukraine (AMBCU). The association includes 24 churches and 5 church plants. Nearly 200 individuals and organizations have come together to contribute more than $213,000, as of March 28. Read more
Multiply is involved in discipleship and church planting by providing support and training to MB pastors in Ukraine. MB churches have also organized relief ministry among people in need in the war zone to provide food, medicine, water, and the Good News and will continue to do so wherever possible. To support of Multiply’s relief efforts in Ukraine, please donate to “Ukraine Ministry Project.” Read more
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Mennonite Central Committee
MCC has worked in Ukraine since our beginnings in 1920, opening soup kitchens to provide relief to thousands of starving families. Our current projects include relief, peace, health and education. Since the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, MCC has worked with partners to assist internally displaced people (IDPs) and to build peace. Read more
Christian Leader update
Spokane Loves Ukraine
Pacific Keep, our MB church in Spokane, Wash., is providing huge relief assistance for Ukrainian refugees. Read more
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Other Links:
Mennonite World Conference:
National Association of Evangelicals:
Other People Helping:
- Fresno Churches call for Day of Prayer and Fasting on March 16