Aug. 24, 2022

I’ve recently studied Genesis 16 in preparation for a sermon. This passage is about when God interacts with Hagar, Sarai’s servant. Verse 13 says, “(Hagar) gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me.'” In Hebrew, it’s, “You are El Roi… I have now seen the One who sees me.” Isn’t that good news for us as well? That God is El Roi, the One who truly sees us?

Prayer requests/news:
1. I completed a good trip to South Texas over the weekend, part of which was preaching on Sunday at GracePoint Church in La Grulla, Texas. God is at work among our LAMB churches!

2. A new round of LEAD Cohorts will begin just after Labor Day. The new listing of available cohorts is now posted. If you haven’t been involved in a LEAD Cohort, you’ve been missing out! You can find the list, with leader and content descriptions, at

3. Please pray for the USMB Church Planting Council (CPC) as they meet via Zoom on Thursday of this week. The CPC is now being led by Brian Harris, previous pastor of Pine Acres Church (MB) in Weatherford, Okla. Brian began Aug. 1 as the USMB Church Planting Mobilizer. Several new projects are in the works! This is such an important part of our collective ministry as the USMB family.

4. A sub-group of our National Strategy Team (NST), the Congolese Task Force, has been working over the past few years to bring unity and direction to the increasing need of connecting new Congolese immigrant churches and leaders with our USMB family. This exciting work is building! The Task Force realizes that this will be an ongoing ministry, not only with the Congolese churches, but with other immigrant groups who also are pursuing a place to belong. Pray for us as we develop these relationships and provide pathways for membership and also direct involvement with our existing MB churches. This involves all of us!

5. The Christian Leader is getting a new look! The redesign will be revealed in the September/October issue. Connie, Janae and designer, Shelley Plett, have worked hard to give the CL a fresh new look. Let me know what you think.

6. There are still several ways to provide assistance for our Ukraine brothers and sisters. If you haven’t read it already, please see this post: In addition, Pacific Keep, our MB church in Spokane, Wash., is providing huge relief assistance for Ukrainian refugees. See the story and site to give here: www.spokane-loves-ukraine.

7. The USMB Board of Faith and Life, National Strategy Team (NST) and USMB Leadership Board/Council will hold meetings in Denver Oct. 5-8. There are many crucial issues and important decisions to be made. Please pray for board members, for discernment, wisdom and guidance as they prepare. Plus, if you have an item you’d like to share with one or more of these boards, please email it to me at

8. Multiply Board meetings are to be held Oct. 2-4 at Cedar Springs, Wash. There is much to consider and discuss. Pray for board members and also for new general director, Bruce Enns, who began his work with Multiply in May.

9. I receive a lot of joy as people give to help support all of our USMB ministries. But, this time of year, when the donations lag behind projections, I can get somewhat discouraged. Please pray that God would supply the financial need for USMB from both churches supporting and through individual donations.

10. Please pray for me that the Lord might grant discernment, direction, wisdom, compassion, understanding, gentleness and grace.

Thanks for your prayers!

Don Morris
USMB National Director

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