Aug. 9, 2023

What is THE FIELD newsletter?

This e-newsletter is designed to inform and energize all of us for the work of the harvest. Jesus told us to pray for the harvest fields and for all those working in the fields. I hope you will join me in this exciting adventure.

Brian Harris
Church Planting Mobilizer




  • 9 keys to discover harvest workers.
  • A free pdf “Your Calling” worksheet.
  • A survey on developing harvest workers.
  • Two free books!
  • Join my cohort covering the 3 “d’s”










What to Look For In A Potential Harvest Worker

As we continue to discover new harvest workers, we need to know what we are looking for. Here’s a quick guide to discovering a potential harvest worker (Luke 10:2). Here are some signs to look for. 

1) They have a solid conversion testimony. 

2) They have a deepening relationship with Jesus.

3) They are characterized by 1 Timothy 3 qualities. 

4) They are currently active in ministry.

5) They love people not just leading people.

6) They love the Word of God.

7) They show signs of having ministry skills. 

8) They are affirmed by people in the church.

9) They love the lost.

Have somebody in mind? If so, my offer of sending you two free books on “Is God Calling Me?” still stands. AS A BONUS I’ve created a free tool (click below) that you can use to guide a discussion with a potential harvest worker. To get started use this worksheet with them. It’s interactive, fun, but most of all, illuminating.


Essential developmental courses

This month I’ve also added a survey that I’d love for you to complete. Here’s the BIG IDEA:

If you wanted to develop a new harvest worker, what courses would you consider “the essentials?”

If the potential harvest worker you discovered could take ten courses assigned by you, what would they be? Feel free to create courses that you know they will need, even if it’s not a typical class.

Then, what single book would best accompany that course? Out of all the good books, pick the great one. One essential course and one book. Next month, I will compile all our thoughts on this matter. Before clicking on the survey, I will give you one example:

COURSE: Ministry From The Inside Out- “character development”
BOOK: Leadership as an Identity by Crawford Loritts. 

Click the survey button… click it… go ahead… c’mon!!! you’ll thank me later!


Two Free Books “Operator I am standing by”

Here’s that great book I mentioned last month. If you’d like a copy, click here to email me your physical address. I will send you two copies for free to use with a potential harvest worker.

Chapter titles include:

1. A Conversation about the Question

2. Defining the Concept of Call

3. Three Types of Call Experiences

4. Three Ways God Calls

5. Who God Calls

6. Discerning God’s Call

7. The Effects of God’s Call

8. The Call to Missions

9. The Call to Pastoral Ministry

10. Continuing the Conversation

If you would like to dig deeper in the discover, develop and deploy conversation, join the cohort beginning in September. Click below and it will take you to ALL the cohorts the USMB Conference has planned.


A Christmas Evangelism Idea…
Prepare NOW!

HERE’S AN IDEA: Purchase several copies of this book, and at Christmas, add them to a gift bag that you are giving to friends and family. If you want someone to know how to become a Christian, this is a proven book. I have given more copies than I can remember, and it always has been well received. Click on the book image to get this for less than $2 a copy in 3 packs.

The Core of our missional Networks:
Discover! Develop! Deploy!





I need to raise support to continue the work of church planting.
You can give by clicking here!

8703 N 127th E Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 580-772-4292

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