Lakeview Church Launches Second Campus
As a result of continued growth, Lakeview Church in Stansbury Park, Utah, is making plans to launch its second campus in Grantsville, Utah, by December 2020.
USMB church planter Phil Wiebe says Lakeview has an average attendance of more than 300 people, including in-person and online, and the church continues to move forward in spite of the coronavirus pandemic.
Jeff Hubrich, an LDS convert, will serve as campus pastor for Grantsville. Wiebe says he first met Jeff and his wife, Heather, 15 years ago while serving as youth pastor at South Mountain Community Church. Jeff and Heather are in the process of building their campus team.
“We are hoping to move 50-75 people from Stansbury Park to Grantsville, so that creates room for more people to join us from Stansbury Park,” Wiebe says. “We need some of our people to step up into leadership roles at the new campus and fill holes at the Stansbury Park campus.”
Wiebe asks for prayer for the new campus in Grantsville and the lives it touches.
Since its launch at Easter 2019, Lakeview Church has baptized 12 individuals, including seven this summer. Wiebe says four more plan to be baptized Sept. 27.
For more information check out their website at
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Wonderful! Thank you, Lord! Will pray.