LEAD One offers Gospel Fluency Workshop
A high-impact LEAD One event, Gospel Fluency Workshop, was held Sept. 12 in Hesston, Kansas. It was encouraging to have such a great turnout! Ben Connelly, co-author of Gospel Fluency Handbook, Saturate Field Guide and Field Guide for Everyday Mission was the presenter. Ben spoke about how the Gospel can dramatically influence our purpose, personal life, communities and the world. Ben is a very capable speaker and was well-received by the 40 or so pastors and leaders who attended.
One participant wrote in the evaluation, “This was a refreshing reminder of the Gospel and its implications. Very profound!” Another wrote, “Ben knocked it out of the ballpark. As believers, we hear in church to preach the Gospel but don’t know how to actually do it. He gave awesome ways to share how the Gospel changes everything and how we can speak the Gospel into people’s specific stories.”
Hesston MB Church did an amazing job of hosting the event. They provided a great Mexican-style lunch, convenient meeting space, refreshments and all the tech equipment.
The Gospel Fluency Workshop will be the focus of the next three LEAD One events in other districts. Ben will present the workshop November 14 at Christ Community Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota; January 25, 2020, at The Life Center in Lenoir, North Carolina, and February 13, 2020, at Bethany Church in Fresno, California. All events begin at 8:30 a.m. with coffee. The presentation begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends by 3:30 p.m. A LEAD One event is still in the planning stages for the LAMB district.
In the past, LEAD One events cost $15 per person to offset the cost of the lunch and other refreshments. However, USMB is now offering LEAD One events at no cost to the participant. For more information visit our website.
I hope you will plan to attend the free LEAD One on Gospel Fluency in your area. Learning to share the Gospel is for everyone—pastors and leaders. We encourage you to bring a van full of church staff and leaders. Learning as a team builds momentum, and it will be well worth the investment of time.
I’ll close with some additional words of appreciation provided by attendees: “Very timely topic, relevant, important, appropriate and thought-provoking; applicable to take back to our congregation; vital, connective understanding of the Gospel; passionate, gifted and knowledgeable speaker; encouraging and motivational!”
I hope to see you at the next LEAD One!
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Sounds great, am interested.