Webinar: But is that really Christian? Doing “church” among other religious communities
This webinar is one of an open MB series exploring the spiritual life titled, But is that really Christian? Doing “church” among other religious communities.
Non-Christian religious communities continue to grow in the U.S. For people from these communities who start to follow Jesus, what might “church” look like? Will they have worship bands singing English worship songs? Or will they “contextualize” church in new ways?
In this presentation Darren Duerksen, Associate Professor of Intercultural and Religious Studies at Fresno Pacific University, will draw from his and William Dyrness’ new book Seeking Church to discuss contextual examples of church, including Hindu Christ-followers in India and Muslim Christ-followers in the Philippines. And while such examples may provide interesting ideas for new churches in the U.S. and elsewhere, they are also, and perhaps more importantly, examples of how all churches, no matter the time and place, reflect and emerge out of their cultural context.
The webinar series is co-sponsored by the FPBS Center for Anabaptist Studies (CABS) and the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (USMB.)
* NOTE: This recording is private. If you would like to view this video, please contact Lori Taylor at lori@usmb2stg.wpengine.com.
This webinar was live on Jan. 15, 2020.