Where do you want to be a year from now?
Hi, friends,
Where do you want to be a year from now? What would it feel like to live at your full potential? What would it look like if you were fully alive?
These are the types of questions explored during LEAD Coaching.
LEAD Coaching is an intentional, ongoing life-on-life relationship that empowers people to realize their full potential, purpose, confidence, courage, joy and vocational accomplishment.
But don’t just take my word for it.
Ben Friesen, pastor of Cornerstone Community Church in Topeka, Kan., says he signed up for LEAD Coaching after becoming convicted of his need for growth in his personal faith journey and leadership ability.
Working with trained leadership coach Ed Boschman, Ben began a 12-month journey including a spiritual retreat, book studies and an in-depth look at his church community and himself.
“I feel after this year of coaching that I’ve got a better hold on my spiritual life, my faith journey, as well as some of the leadership and administrative skills that I’m going to need to help my church take a step forward,” Ben says.
Could you or someone you know benefit from the accountability afforded by a LEAD Coach? Our certified coaches include: Boschman, Chandelle Claassen, Rick Eshbaugh, Aaron Hernandez, Terry Hunt and myself.
Our trained coaches are skilled at listening, asking powerful questions, defining goals, helping develop relevant action plans and providing accountability and support. We’re here to help you succeed!
As Boschman says, “Who wouldn’t want to experience significant growth in their personal life and family relationships, and ramp up their ministry joy and effectiveness, and experience greater Kingdom impact? Those are the results we are able to promise.”
For more information on LEAD Coaching, listen to Episode 39 of USMB LEAD Pods to hear a conversation with Boschman and Chandelle Claassen, visit the USMB website or contact Boschman via email at evboschman@gmail.com.
What might LEAD Coaching offer for you? I encourage you to prayerfully consider if LEAD Coaching might be the next step in your leadership journey.
Don Morris
USMB National Director
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