Our theme is: Celebrating our Diversity and Unity
"You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Cor. 12:27

Join together with Mennonite Brethren from across the United States as we gather this summer to celebrate our diversity and the mission that unites us. Our diversity, seen in the various ministry styles of our 200-plus congregations, our many ethnicities and the languages in which we worship, can offer fresh ideas, perspectives and relationships. Our commitment to One Mission—local, national and global unites us as we plant churches and evangelize our neighborhoods, pursue intentional disciple-making and prepare leaders to serve our churches and communities.

Join us for these national gatherings to be held July 24-28 in Salt Lake City, Utah.  

The 2018 National Convention concludes Saturday at noon to give everyone adequate time to travel home that afternoon and evening. We encourage you to stay for the entire convention.


The pastors' conference begins Tuesday, July 24 with dinner at 5:30pm. The national convention begins with dinner at 5:30pm Thursday evening. Registration includes all meals (except Friday dinner) and convention materials. Youth and children pay one fee for the entire week.  Register them only once.

National Pastors' Conference registration fee: $139 per person (after July 1, $249 pp)
National Convention registration fee: $199 per person (after July 1, $169 pp)
* Event registration fees do not include hotel costs.


The University Guest House and Conference Center are located at Fort Douglas on the campus of the University of Utah, and on the east side of the Salt Lake Valley. The Guest House is a hotel-type venue in a very quiet area of the campus with many trees, a small creek, lots of history and numerous amenities. There are various places of interest very close by in this foothills area.

University Guest House and Conference Center
110 S. Fort Douglas Blvd.
Salt Lake City, UT 84113

Our discounted rate is $115.00 per night (1-4 persons), and includes deluxe complimentary breakfast.



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