Nov. 8, 2022

In Janna’s and my small group from church, we’ve been studying how Jesus is gentle in the way he cares for us. A verse we focused on this past Sunday is John 6:37: “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” These are such reassuring words, giving us confidence as we come to Jesus no matter the situation!

Prayer requests/news:
1. Thanks to so many of you who have been praying for my wife, Janna, as she underwent the first round of knee revision surgery due to infection. She has three more weeks left of daily IV antibiotics. She is up and around and this week is even helping with some cooking at the church. Please continue to pray that the infection can be completely resolved so that a new knee can be implanted in two months or so, or just after the first of the year.

2. I continue to hear from MB pastors who are battling fatigue and some even burn-out. My prayer is that our churches will recognize the need for sabbaticals, for providing multiple days of rest and doing what is needed to take some of the heavy burden from our pastors as they lead us.

3. Sunday before last I, Terry Hunt, Henri Ngolo and Brian Harris participated in a regional Congolese conference in Columbus, Ohio. It was a great time of worshipping in their dynamic style, each of us preaching and getting to know these wonderful people better. As you may have heard, USMB has recently hired Henri Ngolo for part-time work as our Integrated Immigrant Coordinator. Henri is well-respected and has already been doing much of this work on our behalf. This allows him to focus even more time on this important ministry. God has graciously brought immigrant ministry to our doorstep. Connecting and partnering with these wonderful churches involves us all!

4. This coming weekend Brian Harris, USMB Church Planting Mobilizer, and I will travel to south Texas to participate in a LAMB pastor’s retreat. On Sunday we will both preach (in separate churches), and then we will hold a joint meeting on Sunday afternoon with LAMB leaders about how we can plant more MB churches in this bustling area.

5. Other leaders and I are currently dealing with a couple of really tough situations. Without going into specifics (sorry), I ask you to pray for wisdom and discernment for me and others as we navigate these issues. (This is a repeat request from last time – the issues are still present).

6. Without going into specifics, I have been dealing with some deep discouragement recently. Please pray that I can fully release the cause of the discouragement to Jesus. “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

7. I am responsible for raising a significant portion of our USMB budget. I need to raise more this year to help cover some important things that we have recently implemented to increase our ministry among our churches. Would you pray with me for the resources needed for USMB to continue to be able to provide crucial ministries and initiatives for our pastors and churches? Also, we have many churches that do not financially support USMB.

8. I have previously expressed that I feel one of my main responsibilities for the time I have left as national director is to encourage our local MB churches to connect in long-term relationship/partnership with another church, whether that be an immigrant church in our MB family (there are many), churches in other MB national conferences around the world through ICOMB or even with another MB church in your same city. We need to get outside of our “four walls” and build bridges and connections that are long-lasting and life-giving. We have developed the CORD program, which is a platform where churches can partner with a Congolese church (MB). Let’s build partnerships here and around the world! Let me know how I can help.

9. Today is election day. I’m praying for wisdom and also to remember that God is on his throne no matter who or what is decided.

10. Please pray for me that the Lord might grant discernment, direction, wisdom, compassion, understanding, gentleness and grace. By the way, I am so thankful for our dedicated USMB staff.

Thanks for your prayers!

Don Morris
USMB National Director

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