Webinar: Biblical Authority: Living Humbly Under the Authority of Scripture
This webinar is one of an open MB series exploring the spiritual life titled, Biblical Authority: Living Humbly Under the Authority of Scripture.
Tim Geddert and Doug Heidebrecht were two of the presenters at a Study Conference of MB’s in Canada held in October, 2019. They will be sharing some of the material they presented there and leading a conversation about the authority of Scripture and about hermeneutics.
The goal of this webinar is to explore questions such as these: On what basis do we confess that the Bible is our authority for faith and life? What do we mean by claiming it is? How do we move from faithful interpretation of texts to appropriate applications for our contemporary context? What is the role of careful study? What role does the Spirit play? What is the role of the discerning community? We hope you will join us for this important conversation.
Tim Geddert is Professor and Program Director, New Testament at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary and Doug Heidebrecht is Director of Global Training at MB Biblical Seminary in Canada.
The webinar series is co-sponsored by the FPBS Center for Anabaptist Studies (CABS) and the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (USMB.)
Resources shared during the webinar are listed below.
From Tim Geddert:
The Authoritative Function of Scripture (paper)
Meaning of Meaning (book chapter PDF) from Language and Imagery of the Bible by G.B. Caird
Authority of Scripture for Webinar (PowerPoint)
From Doug Heidebrecht:
Interpreting Scripture Today (PDF)
Interpreting Scripture Today (PowerPoint)
Isn’t it Time for a New Mission Story? (website article) mentioned by Stephen Humber
This webinar was live on Dec. 4, 2019.