Pastoral Self-Care Webinar
Pastors face unique and often challenging circumstances that can put stress on their personal and ministerial health and wholeness. Please join us for a pastoral self-care webinar. You may be eligible to receive a $100 gift card for your live participation. Read more>>
National Pastors’ Orientation
Island Palms Hotel and Marina 2051 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, CA, United StatesThe National Pastors’ Orientation (NPO) is March 28-30, 2022 in San Diego, Calif. This event provides an excellent opportunity to get connected with leaders and other pastors in our national and district families. Read more>>
SDC Pastor’s Get-together (FREE)
oklahoma city hilton garden inn airport 801 S. Meridian Ave, Oklahoma City, OK, United StatesPlease complete this survey about your experience at the SDC Pastors' Get-Together. Your feedback will help us plan the next event. This event will be FREE for those who are able to attend, courtesy of the Southern District Conference and the Faith and Life Stewardship Commission. All you need to do is get there and we will
Assembly 17: Worldwide Family Reunion
MWC Assemblies are reunions of the Anabaptist-Mennonite family worldwide that takes place every six years. Make plans to be part of Assembly 17 in July 2022. Read more>>
USMB Gathering 2022
Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center 18011 Bass Pro Drive, Independence, MO, United StatesJoin together with Mennonite Brethren from across the United States as we gather July 26-30, 2022 in Kansas City, Missouri. More information will be coming in the months ahead. Read more>>
Operation Meet Me in KC!
Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center 18011 Bass Pro Drive, Independence, MO, United StatesOperation Meet Me in KC! Recently the Lord has blessed USMB with new people and congregations. That’s something to celebrate! Perhaps you have experienced the challenges of making connections and establishing a sense of belonging when joining a new workplace, church or community. That’s where you can help! July 26-30 will be our USMB Gathering
Peace Sunday 2022
You and your congregation are invited to observe Peace Sunday together with brothers and sisters in the global Anabaptist church family on September 18, 2022. The theme for this year’s Peace Sunday is: “Being a new creation in the midst of external turmoil.” >>
Pastor Appreciation Month
USMB is delighted to be a partner in the Bless Your Pastor movement to help Christians and churches everywhere show and share God’s love with their pastors and church staff. October is Pastor Appreciation month, and the Bless Your Pastor initiative is an opportunity for your church to take seriously the call to care for your pastor. >>
Fatigue to Flourish: Finding Renewal for Pastors and Leaders (Part 1)
Pastors and leaders need to be pastored, shepherded and nurtured, just like anyone else. What do you need to flourish in ministry? This October, slow down to reflect on your experiences during two, one-hour webinars with Bill Clem, director of the Center for Pastoral Flourishing at Western Seminary. >>
Fatigue to Flourish: Finding Renewal for Pastors and Leaders (Part 2)
Pastors and leaders need to be pastored, shepherded and nurtured, just like anyone else. What do you need to flourish in ministry? This October, slow down to reflect on your experiences during two, one-hour webinars with Bill Clem, director of the Center for Pastoral Flourishing at Western Seminary. >>